How Did Clyde Bedford, Jodi, and Joy Hummel Die? Bliss and her better half, John Hummel, lived in their Kennedale, Texas, family home alongside their five-year-old little girl Jodi and Joy’s kid father, Clyde Bedford. The Hummels had a seriously decent remaining in the public arena, and individuals trusted Joy and John to have a sensibly blissful marriage. The energetic Jodi was likewise cherished by her companions and close ones the same, and neighbors didn’t speculate anything until the day a triple homicide left them generally froze.

On December 17, 2009, the Kennedale police were educated regarding a fire in a close by home. When the fire was extinguished, the police entered to observe Joy Hummel ruthlessly cut ridiculously. It had all the earmarks of being a wrongdoing of energy as she was cut more than 30 times which not entirely set in stone to be the reason for her demise. Jodi Hummell and Clyde Bedford’s battered and wounded bodies were likewise recuperated from the home, and a post-mortem later affirmed that they had experienced obtuse power injury and were pounded into the ground. Shockingly, John Hummel was mysteriously gone and when addressed, expressed that he was absent at the hour of the wrongdoing.

Who Killed Clyde Bedford, Jodi, and Joy Hummel? Albeit the examination concerning the homicides languished at first over absence of leads, John Hummel’s apparently helpful nonappearance at the hour of the killings appeared to be dubious to the police. Specialists directed a few meetings with individuals near the family however couldn’t sort out why anybody would need to take three blameless lives. In any case, the show expressed that an observer approached and referenced how John and Joy’s marriage had hit a harsh deterrent. As per the show, John needed a separation from his better half since he needed to be with a lady he met at a corner store. Nonetheless, unfit to discuss his choice obviously, he apparently picked an appalling way out and arranged horrendous homicide. Reports say that the triple homicide wasn’t John’s first effort to kill his family, as already, he attempted to harm their food with rodent poison. By and by, that arrangement was a disappointment as the food was tossed out by virtue of getting ruined.

With such implicating proof, the police focused on John as an individual of interest. Notwithstanding, specialists understood that he had as of now escaped to Oceanside in California before they could snag him. A capture warrant was then given for John, and a couple of days after the fact, he was captured when he attempted to move over to Mexico from California. When the police started cross examining John, he admitted to each of the three homicides and asserted that he had no clue about what came over him. He expressed that he was mulling over leaving his better half when Joy intruded on him making him become violently angry and cut her absurdly. He then, at that point, clubbed Jodi and Clyde with a slugging stick prior to setting the house ablaze. Consequently, with a total admission on their hands, the police at last accused John of homicide.

Is John Hummel Dead or Alive? John Hummel has since passed as the territory of Texas executed him for his contribution in the killings. Once in court, John was sentenced for the capital killings of Joy Hummel and Clyde Bedford. Thus, he was condemned to death in 2011. Following the conviction, John attempted various ways of toppling it, however his endeavors were to no end. He was at first planned to be executed on March 18, 2020, yet the Covid pandemic wound up deferring it. Accordingly, on June 30, 2021, he was at last executed through deadly infusion and showed up very remorseful with regards to his activities prior to breathing his last.