DeviantArt user Zoki 64 has fashioned a rather stunning creation based on the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game, a title that many NES owners from that time remember fondly. The original title was released at the arcades in 1989, and was then ported to the NES (as well as other platforms) in 1990.

The modded NES here looks fantastic, as it hearkens back to an earlier period of gaming. It’s not the most complex design, but it pays homage to a lot of nostalgia that many have for the old TMNT series from the 80s and 90s.

This isn’t Zoki64’s first mod either. Perusing his older works brings up several NES mods based on the Super Mario Bros. games, all keeping consistent with the quality of this one.

The modding community has grown a lot over the years. Especially as creators have become able to share their creations with other fans, and those that they typically would be unable to reached otherwise. 

Check out this TMNT NES chassis mod   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2  The Arcade Game - 87