“I don’t ordinarily pay any psyche to things like this, however something must be said. This hazardous, harmful, web shouting match between ‘fandoms’ needs to stop,” Puth tweeted. “I’m 28 years of age, so it doesn’t generally mean anything to me when some individual I don’t know composes a dreadful message to me… making statements like ‘I utilized BTS for clout’. I don’t have the foggiest idea what that implies I love those folks and they are overly skilled.


The “Sweetheart” artist—who sang the recorded form of “We Don’t Talk Anymore” with Selena Gomez—proceeded to encourage fans to “be more pleasant,” particularly to those they don’t have a clue. “However, what I can be sure of is that 10 years back, language like this coordinated towards me would’ve influenced me profoundly in a negative manner,” he tweeted. “What’s more, I’m considering the various more youthful children on twitter seeing stuff like this every day.”

The Grammy candidate proceeded, “It might sound banality, yet please try to remain more pleasant to one another on here. Not any more shouting about made up rubbish. It benefits no one in any way. We as a whole need to cherish each other MORE THAN EVER RIGHT NOW.”

— Charlie Puth (@charlieputh) July 5, 2020

— Charlie Puth (@charlieputh) July 5, 2020

After Puth’s tweets, numerous BTS fans apologized to the vocalist and indicated that the ARMYs who blamed him for clout pursuing were the minority. “Greetings Charlie,” Twitter client Melodymostly2 composed. “I am sorry in the interest of the develop ARMY. This is so humiliating and thank you for being developed about this theme against you. Expectation that you despite everything have great eyes towards BTS. The fan doesn’t mirror their craftsman 100% which i’m certain u comprehend. Much obliged to you and be upbeat.”

— Charlie Puth (@charlieputh) July 5, 2020

Twitter client @bangtaaannnieee stated, “omayghad. leave @charlieputh alooone! he didn’t utilized BTS for clout and you can tell they are generally excellent companions and they are aware to one another! BTS even admire Charlie Puth as a motivation and you are corrupting him! Charlie is an enthusiastic man with regards to music!

The “One Call Away” vocalist was blamed for conceal toward BTS and Jungkook in 2019 after he erased his tweets about the part and the band. In any case, some ARMYs noticed that Puth didn’t erase his tweets intentionally, however utilizes a help called Delete Tweets, which naturally erases his tweets a year after he posts them. In February 2017, Jungkook secured Puth’s “We Don’t Talk Anymore,” which the “Marvin Gaye” vocalist responded to on his Twitter. “Love this Jungcook,” Puth tweeted at that point, incorrect spelling Jungkook’s name. After a month, Puth tweeted that he delighted in BTS’ music, which the band responded. “I truly like BTS’s music,” Puth composed. Accordingly, BTS tweeted, “We truly like Charlie Puth’s music.”

In a radio meeting in June 2017, Puth apologized for incorrect spelling Jungkook’s name and would have liked to meet the young men, all things considered. “I like BTS, I like Jungkook as well,” he said at that point. “I simply like them, I believe they’re an incredible band. I need to meet them in person one day and apologize to Jungkook for misspeaking his name.”